Allied Payment Network Logo

Real-time payments for credit unions.

Credit Unions deserve an ally. Allied provides the payment technology and know-how financial institutions need to innovate, modernize, and thrive. Allied creates innovative, secure payment technology for financial institutions and offers Sharetec customers cutting-ege products such as FlexPay, PicturePay, P2P, eBills, and PortalPay.

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Discover Allied's Solutions

  • A2A

    Your members can securely move funds between FIs. Real-time account verification means that there’s no need to wait for micro-deposits to transfer funds. Your digital banking users can add an external account and schedule a transfer to or from that account within the same session. Allied’s A2A solution is also secured with frictionless fraud protection.

  • P2P

    Offer your members the power of person-to-person (P2P) payments. Allied’s solution stands apart for its real-time transaction speed and built in-layer of fraud protection. Recipients can send and receive payments through standard ACH or in real-time to their debit cards.

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  • FlexPay

    With FlexPay, your members can quickly move their money on both desktop and mobile devices. FlexPay is integrated with Allied’s eBills module.

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  • PortalPay

    Your members can now make a loan payment to you in just minutes. Your credit union can accept and process payments via the web or over the phone, and use a member’s on-us or not-on-us DDA account or debit/credit card.

  • eBills

    Integrated with FlexPay, the eBills module links directly to thousands of billers and allows your members to view and manage their bills. When combined with PicturePay®, your members can add a new biller simply taking a picture of their bill.

  • PicturePay®

    Allied was the first-to-market a photo bill pay solution. Enter, PicturePay®, which partners with FlexPay. With PicturePay®, your members can pay bills simply by taking a photo of them and entering in an amount. The payee is then automatically added to FlexPay.

    • Eliminates the friction of manual data entry
    • Appeals to non-traditional bill pay members
    • Works across all devices
  • Vault

    Vault acts as your digital safe – Vault is a fully keyword-searchable filing cabinet for bills, receipts, insurance documents, and more!

    • Motivates members to stay in your credit union’s trusted environment
    • Based on PicturePay® text-scanning technology
    • Requires FlexPay

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Ready for a demo?

Contact Sharetec to schedule a 1:1 demo of Allied's solutions.

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