May 22, 2023

By Danielle Bucella
Maine Family Successful Migration to Sharetec Service Bureau

Successful Migration to Sharetec Service Bureau During an Emergency

Sharetec Service Bureau Migration Completed in Under 72 Hours 

On a Sunday, much to their surprise, the Maine Family Federal Credit Union team discovered that a pipe burst in their lobby vestibule. Hot water poured into the lobby, parking lot, stairwell, and basement. The water damage to the networking equipment rendered the credit union offline and prompted an emergency decision to migrate to Sharetec’s data center.

Sharetec was able to step in and do a conversion from in-house servers to the Service Bureau environment in record time to get them up and running. Dan Clarke, President and CEO of Maine Family FCU, expressed his appreciation, “I have done Service Bureau conversions in the past that took six months to complete, but our service bureau migration within Sharetec was completed, with all third-party connections, in under 72 hours. The third-party connections were quick, and I was surprised at how little I had to do.”

A Service Bureau migration takes persistence, focus, and dedication. An emergency Service Bureau migration takes even more. Sharetec jumped in headfirst and succeeded in getting the credit union where it needed to continue serving its members and staff in record time.

The Sharetec Team’s Success

The morning of the emergency, a team of Sharetec staff assembled to ensure the migration would go off without failure to get Maine Family up and running efficiently and successfully. The team included members from upper management, implementation, programming, conversion, and many more.

  • Sunday afternoon and well into the evening, the Sharetec team built new systems and installed the needed apps, working relentlessly setting up VMs at the data center. They assembled the data so the Maine Family environment could be relocated.
  • Shared branching and debit card vendors were contacted and re-established connectivity. After a successful testing, debit card transactions began posting Monday night, including all activity posted before the credit union re-opened.
  • Multiple hardware issues were addressed, resolving connectivity and slowness on the transaction server, database connectivity, and home and mobile banking issues. These challenges were managed with good communication and teamwork, creating a successful turn-around.

As with any emergency, there were challenges, but the Sharetec team stepped up, worked together throughout all hours, day and night, and Maine Family was up and running within 72 hours.

“What was amazing to watch was how the whole [Sharetec] enterprise came together to see this through,” praised Steffi Decker, Chief Executive Officer of Sharetec, “The extraordinary effort and talent put forward by so many people is exactly what the Sharetec team is about, bold, powerful, and caring. They are an A-TEAM living the Sharetec identity to the fullest.”

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